Amazingly Terrible
Thirty years ago a group of kids met and eventually grew to tolerate each other. Now they have a podcast about continuing the juvenile sense of humor that brought them together thinly disguised as reviewing old cartoons. The podcast was released in 2020 at the height of election stress, there is no evidence that it helped anyone then, or now.
"The List" is a slap-dash collection of easily findable references to old possibly cartoons and vague memories of things which may have been. Each fortenite a random entry and a sworn member of the pod are chosen for a future episode and added to the queue. "The Queue" contains 3 entries and offers flexibility if a member is unavailable or a cartoon is unlocatable. "The Waitlist" is a free-to-add version of the sacred list, the lead reviewer each episode is rewarded with the ability to move one show between the waitlist and the main list, to or from.
Music is by Josh Woodward who provides all his music free to everyone for any use. Content warnings are generated with For more information or to enter vaguely defined contests hurled as drunken challenges during the recordings, write in to: